Gate House

1 Torhaus 1


The gate house dates to 1545 and is part of the former fortification complex surrounding the church. A draw bridge crossing the moat could be pulled up to prevent entry. Originally the lower portion was built of wood. The solid foundation walls were constructed in 1723. This date is engraved on the keystone at the top of the gate arch, along with the coat of arms and initials of Margrave Georg Wilhelm (“Georg Wilhelm Markgraf Zu Bayreuth”).

The renovation of 1994/95 created three apartments. Even in former times the gate house served as residence for midwives, teachers, clerks, employees of parish or town and the grave digger.

The small turret houses the "Neunuhrglöcklein", the “little 9 o’clock bell”, which features in several local folk tales. Until the death of the last bell ringer in 1989, the bell was rung manually.


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Fr, 17.05.2024
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Sa, 25.05.2024
25.05.2024 10:00 Orchideenwanderung in Burgbernheim Anmeldung unter 0175/8110128


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91593 Burgbernheim

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